Sunday 6 March 2016

Not so good.

It's been a while since I've blogged as I have been very busy over the past few months and not feeling to good in myself. 

When I get this low I can't be bothered with the world around me and I lock everything away and nothing seems to matter anymore. I get the feeling I have nothing to live even though I have everything I need. But that doesn't matter. 

My weight is out of control and because it's out of control I feel worse. And the worse I feel the more shit and crappy foods I'm eating. To point when I'm eating it, I start to feel sick and want to throw up. 

I've stopped my tablets AGAIN. which I know doesn't help but I haven't got the energy to even go the chemist to get them. That's how bad I feel. I don't want to take them. I want it to end. 

Everything needs to end.