Saturday 21 November 2015

What services I used

Now this is a question, there are so many services out there and so many to chose from to help you.

The first service I used was a work based counselling programme. 

The very first session was good, I got a lot off my chest and I was given coping mechanisms which I used for a week up until the second session, This included meditating and listening to calming music. 

When I went to the counsellors home for the second session she dropped a bomb shell, something I didn't really want to hear "we only have 3 sessions left" that I knew already  but then she said "We cant really go into much detail, I don't want to open a can of worms as I don't want to send you on your way after for sessions with the worms open"


I continued the counselling anyway but we weren't getting anywhere-repeating the same things for 4 weeks, I felt it was making me worse as I couldn't tell her what I needed to to cause that's basically what she told me.

Anyway I fed this information back to my manager at work and as we have a contract with Sunderland MIND there was a fast track referral put in for me to have counselling there. 

The day it started I knew the counsellor cared and wanted to help, he dove straight in - right for the jugular. Within the first couple sessions we were making progress but I was as low as I had ever been, bringing and talking about all the things that I had locked away. 

Another few sessions past and I was on my way back up. Starting to feel better in myself - looking at myself differently. 

MIND helped me a great deal, I have them to thank for being around to help. Maybe I wouldn't be here if they had not been there to help me understand what I was going through